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Steve Harvey Motivational Speech “Jump”

This is my favorite motivational speech of all time. Steve Harvey’s Jump Speech. It looks like it was filmed before a taping of a Family Feud episode. You can actually see technicians setting up stage props behind him during the speech. I am so thankful that the camera was rolling and this footage was saved. Because out of nowhere, Steve Harvey begins giving a speech, a speech that was probably only meant for that audience. Fortunately, it was recorded and now we have the pleasure of viewing it. 

What’s it about?

Steve Harvey starts telling the audience that there is a thing that every successful person had to do to become successful. He explains, “eventually, you are going to have to jump. You cannot just exist in this life, you have got to try and live.” He explains that every single person has a gift. So when you are standing on the cliff of life and you see people soaring by, it’s their gift that keeps them afloat. That gift is your parachute, so when you jump off the cliff of life, your gift will open up and make you fly. But if you never use your gift, then you aren’t living, you are just existing. There is only one way for you to truly see what your potential is, you need to JUMP.

This is where the speech gets very real. Steve says “When you first jump, your parachute WILL NOT open right away… you will fall and hit them rocks.” Failure is brutal and it’s gonna suck, but it is part of the process. He then says, “But eventually, your parachute has to open.”

This part of the speech resonated with me the most, I have failed at starting many businesses in the past. My friends have told me, “Tony, why do you keep trying, why is this so important to you?” It’s because I know I have untapped potential. It’s not about money or fame. It’s about figuring out my gift and how I can use it to provide value to the world. Every time I JUMP and hit those rocks I learn more about myself, my gift, and how to use it. So I will keep jumping until my parachute opens.

What I love most about this speech is how eye-opening it is for me about the untapped potential we all have. The truth is that, yes, the journey will be painful and will suck. But if we never jump, what are we truly doing with our lives? If we never jump, we’ll never know what our true potential is. So we owe it to ourselves at least once in our life, jump. 

If you want to learn more about making this JUMP in life, I suggest checking out the book The Big Leap

Confucius say, “We all have two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.”